I help businesses set up a system to generate more referrals, attract new leads and turn those leads into customers.

Is your marketing haphazard?
Suspect that you’re leaving money on the table?
No concrete lead generation and follow-up system in place?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in business is marketing without a system.

Without a system in place, you are flying blind.  You often waste time without even knowing if what you’re doing is producing the results you desire.

If you do lead generation right, it attracts your ideal customer to you automatically. As a fan and student of marketing master Dan Kennedy and Info-Marketing Association President Robert Skrob, I’ll use the same strategies and techniques they prescribe for making money through lead generation and info-marketing that works on autopilot.

As an experienced copywriter, trained by American Writers and Artists (AWAI),  I’ve written sales letters that are still controls for over ten years and many articles used to train copywriters.  I can assist you with every part of the info-marketing process. From info-product creation to lead generation, new customer acquisition, selling your coaching products and services, and selling events. I have experience in writing sales letters, lead magnets, email copy, articles, sales pages, autoresponder copy, newsletters, postcards, case studies, and so on…

To see samples of my work, click here.

If you’d like to chat about marketing strategy and how I can help your business meet your revenue goals, please contact me by clicking here.

“John Wood writes copy the way I believe it should be written. He writes strong sales copy, but without any hype. He drives action, without pushing or shoving the reader. His copy is seamless, without trickery — and it’s immensely effective. I know this to be true because he has written sales copy for me that has brought in tens of thousands of dollars in revenues.”

— Nick Usborne

Web expert and author of “How to Write Your Very Own  Money-Making Websites

“I have been working with John for about two years now. As I was building my company, Balanced Habits, I needed someone to capture my voice, allowing others to learn about what my company offered for our customers. John’s ability to learn all that he needed about me, my vision, my “why,” and my overall goal was imperative in the success of our printed and online material, reports, ad copy, and development of the company branding.  One of the aspects I enjoyed the most about working with John was his intense dedication to his craft of copywriting. His style and easy-going nature make working with John a great experience.  If you’re looking for someone who can write like you wish you could, John is your man!  Time and time again he made me sound intelligent, sincere, and most importantly, believable!”
— Carolyn Fetters
Owner, Balanced Habits

“John Wood is an incredible copywriter. What sets John apart from other copywriters I have worked with over the past three decades is his willingness to listen carefully, ask probing questions, and invest time in fully understanding the mission of our company and our messaging objectives.”
— Berry Fowler
Founder, Sylvan Learning Systems & Fowler International Academy of  Professional Coaching